1,575 research outputs found

    Моделі динаміки пружних збурень у неоднорідно деформованому континуумі

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    Розвинуто нелінійну теорію пружності стосовно задач томографії тензорних полів у неоднорідно деформованих твердих тілах. За визначальні параметри локального термодинамічного стану, що відповідають процесові деформування, прийнято тензорні характеристики, означені щодо актуальної (деформованої) конфігурації — тензор напружень Коші та міри деформації Альманзі або Фінґера. У рамках запропонованої нелінійної теорії побудовано декілька варіантів системи рівнянь динаміки малих пружних збурень у неоднорідно деформованому твердому континуумі, лінеаризованої стосовно деформації збурення. Коефіцієнти отриманих рівнянь залежать від локальних параметрів початкового напружено-деформованого стану, заданих в актуальній конфігурації. У такому вигляді їх зручно застосовувати для опису хвильових процесів, які збуджують у неоднорідно деформованих тілах, щоб отримати апостеріорну інформацію про актуальний напружено-деформований стан цих об’єктів.A nonlinear theory of elasticity as applied to problems of tensor fields tomography in non-uniformly strained solids has been developed. As constitutive thermodynamic parameters of the theory, corresponding the process of deformation, the tensor characteristics determinate in the actual configuration — tensors Almansi’s and Finger’s have been used. In the frame of the theory several variants of system equations for dynamics of small elastic disturbances in non-uniformly strained continuum, linearized with respect to the amplitude of the disturbance, have been built. These equations coefficients are depended on local parameters of the body stress-strained state, determined in local base of the actual configuration. In such a form they are convenient to use for describing of the wave processes in non-uniformly strained solids activated to obtain some a posteriori information about the actual stress-strained state of such objects.Развита нелинейная теория упругости применительно к задачам томографии тензорных полей в неоднородно деформированных твердых телах. В качестве определяющих параметров локального термодинамического состояния, соответствующих процессу деформирования, приняты тензорные характеристики, определяемые относительно актуальной (деформированной) конфигурации — тензор напряжений Коши и меры деформации Альманзи или Фингера. В рамках предложенной нелинейной теории построено несколько вариантов системы уравнений динамики малых упругих возмущений в неоднородно деформированном твердом континууме, линеаризированной относительно деформации возмущения. Коэффициенты полученных уравнений зависят от локальных параметров напряженно-деформированного состояния, заданных в актуальной конфигурации. В таком виде их удобно применять для описания волновых процессов, которые возбуждают в неоднородно деформированных телах для получения апостериорной информации об актуальном напряженно-деформированном состоянии этих объектов

    Effect of exercise after a deep venous thrombosis:A systematic review

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    Post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is a common complication after deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and has a major impact on physical symptoms, quality of life (QoL) and economic costs. Relatively simple lifestyle interventions as physical exercise might reduce PTS severity and increase QoL. To evaluate the direct and long-term effects of physical activity in patients with an acute or previous DVT. We conducted a systematic review through an additional search from 2007 up to March 2022, to complement the comprehensive systematic review of Kahn et al. Articles evaluating the effect of exercise after a DVT including symptoms, QoL and the incidence and severity of PTS, were included. Quality of the studies was assessed using a GRADE-like checklist and results were reported according to the PRISMA Statement. Ten studies were included, seven randomized controlled trials and three cohort studies. We identified three types of physical activity based on timing and duration; (1) early mobilisation in the acute phase of the DVT; (2) short duration exercise 1 year after DVT and (3) prolonged exercise during follow-up after a previous DVT. Early mobilisation showed improvement in QoL and pain reduction and after 2 years it resulted in a significant reduction of PTS severity. Prolonged supervised exercise resulted in improvement of QoL. In addition, positive effects on symptoms of venous insufficiency and muscle functions were observed. None of the included studies reported an increased risk of PTS or worsening of symptoms due to physical activity. Physical exercise after a DVT is safe, improves QoL, reduces pain and decreases PTS severity. Lifestyle intervention such as guided individualized training programs can be a useful supplementary therapy for patients after a DVT or for PTS patients. Optimal training programs may be identified by further studies that improve patient-oriented outcomes for both adults and children after a DVT.</p

    Thermosensory perception regulates speed of movement in response to temperature changes in <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>

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    Temperature influences physiology and behavior of all organisms. For ectotherms, which lack central temperature regulation, temperature adaptation requires sheltering from or moving to a heat source. As temperature constrains the rate of metabolic reactions, it can directly affect ectotherm physiology and thus behavioral performance. This direct effect is particularly relevant for insects whose small body readily equilibrates with ambient temperature. In fact, models of enzyme kinetics applied to insect behavior predict performance at different temperatures, suggesting that thermal physiology governs behavior. However, insects also possess thermosensory neurons critical for locating preferred temperatures, showing cognitive control. This suggests that temperature-related behavior can emerge directly from a physiological effect, indirectly as consequence of thermosensory processing, or through both. To separate the roles of thermal physiology and cognitive control, we developed an arena that allows fast temperature changes in time and space, and in which animals' movements are automatically quantified. We exposed wild-type and thermosensory receptor mutants Drosophila melanogaster to a dynamic temperature environment and tracked their movements. The locomotor speed of wild-type flies closely matched models of enzyme kinetics, but the behavior of thermosensory mutants did not. Mutations in thermosensory receptor dTrpA1 (Transient receptor potential) expressed in the brain resulted in a complete lack of response to temperature changes, while mutation in peripheral thermosensory receptor Gr28b(D) resulted in diminished response. We conclude that flies react to temperature through cognitive control, informed by interactions between various thermosensory neurons, whose behavioral output resembles that of enzyme kinetics

    On-Off Intermittency in Time Series of Spontaneous Paroxysmal Activity in Rats with Genetic Absence Epilepsy

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    Dynamic behavior of complex neuronal ensembles is a topic comprising a streamline of current researches worldwide. In this article we study the behavior manifested by epileptic brain, in the case of spontaneous non-convulsive paroxysmal activity. For this purpose we analyzed archived long-term recording of paroxysmal activity in animals genetically susceptible to absence epilepsy, namely WAG/Rij rats. We first report that the brain activity alternated between normal states and epilepsy paroxysms is the on-off intermittency phenomenon which has been observed and studied earlier in the different nonlinear systems.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Ketogenic Diet in Refractory Childhood Epilepsy:Starting With a Liquid Formulation in an Outpatient Setting

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    Background: Ketogenic diet in children with epilepsy has a considerable impact on daily life and is usually adopted for at least 3 months. Our aim was to evaluate whether the introduction of an all-liquid ketogenic diet in an outpatient setting is feasible, and if an earlier assessment of its efficacy can be achieved. Methods: The authors conducted a prospective, observational study in a consecutive group of children with refractory epilepsy aged 2 to 14 years indicated for ketogenic diet. Ketogenic diet was started as an all-liquid formulation of the classical ketogenic diet, KetoCal 4:1 LQ, taken orally or by tube. After 6 weeks, the liquid diet was converted into solid meals. The primary outcome parameter was time-to-response (>50% seizure reduction). Secondary outcome parameters were time to achieve stable ketosis, the number of children showing a positive response, and the retention rate at 26 weeks. Results: Sixteen children were included. Four of them responded well with respect to seizure frequency, the median time-to-response was 14 days (range 7-28 days). The mean time to achieve stable ketosis was 7 days. The retention rate at 26 weeks was 50%. Of the 8 children who started this protocol orally fed, 6 completed it without requiring a nasogastric tube. Conclusions: Introduction of ketogenic diet with a liquid formulation can be accomplished in orally fed children without major complications. It allowed for fast and stable ketosis